Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

Thanks to Gustav we have been inundated with rain of late. Normally I enjoy the rain. It makes the world clean and bright, the air smells sweeter, here in Missouri it cools things off nicely. However, when it rains too much, like it has lately, our basement floods. So far we have only gotten a little surface water that dried up just as fast as it appeared. Hopefully that is all that we will get.

When the weather is bad, our Internet connection gets spotty also. Normally that wouldn't bother me too bad. Except the thing is that I work from home, so no Internet means no work which equals no money. I strongly dislike being broke.

I am also trying to finish up my first year of online classes through University of Phoenix. No Internet means no class. I have called my professors over the phone and explained things to them. I have until Midnight Sunday to turn in all my assignments. My original plan was to get my bachelors, but with running the household, working two jobs, volunteering for two different assignments through my church, and school I think I am going to take a break after my Associates is complete. At least until my kids are in school and I can have a little more free time during the day. Only four more years to wait.

I strongly dislike waiting too.

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